Программа «Здоровая спина»

Программа «Здоровая спина»

The neurologist is Nadezhda V. Kulakova.
  In the absence of contraindications and the presence of MRI of the spine, additional procedures are possible for an additional fee: underwater traction, VTES, consultation of the chiropractor.

   Duration of the program and the number of procedures
                        10 days
Comprehensive consultation of a neurologist                                1
Re-examination                                2
Common bath (iodine-bromine, dry carbon dioxide, pearl, aromatic)
Thermotherapy (ozocerite, mud therapy in the form of segmental applications on the spine)                                5
Exercise therapy ((aimed at developing the spine, restoring and strengthening
own muscle corset)
Swimming pool, sauna (harmonizes the work of muscles, strengthens the spine)
Hardware physiotherapy (magnetolaser therapy, ultrasound, phonophoresis
medicinal products, amplipulse, TPP)
Hand massage of the back (taking into account the localization of the process, the severity of pain
syndrome, age of the patient)
Acupuncture (to reduce the perception of painful impulses)
Mineral water, phytotea                                9
Blockades with alflutope

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